
Most pharmacies are open days, evenings, weekends, and holidays making them one of the most accessible front-line health care providers in the province.
New Brunswick pharmacists can:
Assess your symptoms and prescribe medication for a variety of minor ailments for eligible New Brunswick residents with no service fee.
Administer certain publicly funded vaccines.
Replace, renew, or extend your existing prescriptions.
The provincial government covers the cost of pharmacy assessments of the following conditions for eligible residents:​​
Conjunctivitis: Must be 1 year of age and older
Contact Allergic Dermatitis: Must be 2 years of age and older
Mild to Moderate Eczema: Must be 2 years of age and older
Impetigo: Must be 2 years of age and older
Shingles: Must be 12 years of age and older
Previously Diagnosed Cold Sores: Must be 12 years of age or older
Mild Acne: Must be 12 to 30 years of age if new onset of acne
Contraception Management: Must be between the ages of 12 and 50
Urinary Tract Infections: Must be between the ages of 16 and 64 and previously diagnosed with a UTI.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: Must be 18 years of age and older
Tick bites: Presenting within 72 hours of a suspected tick bite and have no symptoms