Emergency Department

Emergency Department physicians and staff are specifically trained to care for people with all types of urgent medical conditions. A triage system is used, where patients with the most severe illnesses and injuries are cared for first.
When to go to the Emergency Department:
If you or someone in your care has an urgent medical condition or is experiencing a health crisis, go to the nearest Emergency Department or call 9-1-1. Examples of an urgent/critical medical condition are:
Discomfort or tightness in the chest
Unusual shortness of breath
Abdominal pain
A prolonged and persistent headache or dizziness
An injury that may require stitches or may involve a broken bone
Prolonged diarrhea or vomiting (especially a child)
Here are some examples of the types of symptoms that are treated,
in order of urgency:
Level 1: Severe
Major Trauma
Level 2: Emergent
Chest Pain
Level 3: Urgent
Level 4: Semi-Urgent
Level 5: Non-Urgent
Sore Throat
St. Joseph’s Hospital Urgent Care Centre
Open 7 days a week from 9am - 9pm.
An alternative to the Emergency Department, this Urgent Care Centre offers care to patients of all ages who have unexpected non-life-threatening illnesses or injuries requiring urgent, same-day medical attention and treatment.
The Urgent Care Centre triages and treats patients according to a "worse-first" approach and provides access to diagnostic testing such as X-rays and ultrasounds.
Some types of illness and injuries treated at this centre include cuts, abrasions, earaches, fever, minor burns, abdomen, pelvic or back pain and simple fractures.
Fredericton Urgent Treatment Centre
Open 9 am - 6 pm on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday (including holidays).
Located within the Brookside Mall, this Urgent Treatment Centre offers care to patients of all ages who have unexpected non-life-threatening illnesses or injuries requiring urgent, same-day medical attention and treatment.
Patients are seen on a first-come, first-served basis and must register in-person.
Examples of conditions that can be treated by the Urgent Treatment Centre include mild respiratory issues, mild abdominal pain, minor infections, soft tissue injuries, lacerations, and skin & eye irritants.